Meet the Team

We are a dynamic club made up of over 90 financial members across Brisbane. We are all students with a shared passion for neurotechnology, backed by an admin team of 11 executives and 4 development volunteers. Each of us brings a unique perspective and set of skills, united by our commitment to explore and innovate in the field of neurotechnology. Our members represent a range of disciplines, including biomedical science, computer science, engineering, psychology and more. We all share the same drive: to engage with cutting-edge technology and leverage it to understand the human brain better.

Want to join the team? Just reach out to one of our executives on the UQ NeuroTech Discord Server.


Our Execs

Reuben Richardson

Reuben Richardson

UQ Neurotech President
Studying Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering/Computer Science (Machine Learning)

Angus Cheung

Angus Cheung

UQ NeuroTech Treasurer
Studying Bachelor of Biomedical/Electrical Engineering

Isabel Barton

Isabel Barton

UQ Neurotech Secretary
Studying Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering/Computer Science (Machine Learning)